Friday, February 20, 2009

Promotion and bio for Israeli Folk Dancing

Was recently invited to teach Israeli Folk Dancing at Santa Fe College, here in Gainesville. They asked for a write up on Israeli
Dancing and a bio for me. Here is what I sent them.

Israeli Folk Dancing
Israeli Folk Dancing is as old as the bible.

David leapt and danced before the Lord
~ Book of Samuel

Israeli Folk Dancing was reinvented officially in the 1920s with the first modern Israeli Folk Dance, Hora Agadati choreographed by
Baruch Agadati.

Israeli Folk Dancing is a secular activity, not a religious practice and done around the world by people of all faiths and

We dance for fun, to socialize, to exercise and to participate in Israeli and Jewish culture.

Though Israeli Folk Dancing is secular, it is impossible to separate Jewish culture from Jewish
religion as they are intimately intertwined.

Many of the songs we dance to come from the bible or are inspired by biblical stories.
Nearly all the songs are in Hebrew, the holy language. Many of the songs are about about
the holy land of Israel, events in Jewish history and Jewish observances.

The music for Israeli Folk Dancing comes from all over the world, as the people that immigrated
to Israeli came from every where.

Some of the music styles are American, Arabic, Balkan, Brazilian, French, Greek, Indian, Latin,
Mexican, Native American, Persian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Yemenite and many more.

Andrew Weitzen
Andrew's excited about the opportunity to introduce new people to the wonderful world of Israeli Folk Dancing.

Andrew started Israeli Folk Dancing twenty years ago. He has been teaching Israeli Folk Dancing in Gainesville for the last four
years. Andrew also teaches Swing and Hustle dancing.

Andrew has been a guest teacher at the University of Florida School of Dance, Hawthorne High School,
PK Yonge Elementary School and many other local organizations. Andrew has been invited as a guest
teacher in other states.

In South Florida, Andrew participated casually with four different Israeli Folk Dance performing groups.

Andrew has been dancing for thirty years and is experienced in nearly all social dances, including
Argentine tango, ballroom, contra, international folk, and latin dancing.

Andrew has written the book "Partnership Dancing(tm)", which teaches the fundamentals of dancing with a partner.

Andrew played varsity basketball for Gainesville High School and is an accomplished Beach Vollyeball
Player, winning the Gainesville Open Beach Volleyball tournament and trying out for the United States Maccabi Team. He has
organized, taught, coached and refereed numerous sporting programs.

Andrew is a software developer for the Internet. His own projects include a number of dance, Jewish
and Gainesville related websites, blogs and newsletters.

- Gainesville Israeli Dance weekly newsletter
- Gainesville Swing and Hustle weekly newsletter
- Internet Handholding monthly newsletter

- - Gainesville blog
- - Gainesville Israeli dancing
- - Gainesville Swing dancing

- - Dance sessions around the world
- - Israeli dance information
- - Israeli partner dancing
- - Jewish events around the world
- - the book Partnership Dancing

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